Pray for Our Missionaries

Our missionaries can use our prayer support. Visit the International Mission Board (IMB) website at to find daily updated prayer needs of Southern Baptist international missionaries. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) website at lists North American missionaries’ prayer requests on their birthdays.

515387_bcy6eqzcLCooperative Program



Living Hope Fellowship is committed to missions – locally, in our state, our nation, and all around the world. The primary expression of this commitment is seen in our support of the Cooperative Program, the Southern Baptists’ method of pooling resources in order to do more together than we could separately. Churches designate a portion of their receipts for the Cooperative Program. These funds are sent to state or regional conventions where a portion of the money is kept for local ministry and missions, and a portion is sent to the Southern Baptist Convention where it is distributed to our agencies and used to fund missions both at home and abroad.
Visit for more information.

515385_12MOBaaeobanner1Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions

The Annie Armstrong offering is used to plant new churches in North America. One hundred percent of the gifts given are used to support church planters and provide ministry supplies needed to share the message of Christ with people all across North America.
Visit for more information.

Associational Missions

Living Hope Fellowship is a part of the Bridges Bay Area Association, and we give 2% of our undesignated income to support the ministries of our association.
Visit for more information.

515383_LottieMoon2014220x120Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions

For 125 years Southern Baptists have been collecting an annual offering in support of international missions. More than 3.5 billion dollars has been given to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, whose namesake inspired the first collection in 1888. Then, as now, every penny given to “Lottie Moon” supports missionaries as they share the good news about Jesus Christ in countries around the world.
Visit for more information.

California Mission Offering

During the month of September, Living Hope Fellowship promotes and collects gifts for the California Mission Offering. Mission efforts funded through this offering are aimed at reaching California’s culturally diverse population. Mission efforts funded by CMO include: evangelism and church planting, associational support and disaster relief, healthy churches. All gifts collected through the CMO directly support mission projects and ministries in the Golden state. Gifts given through CMO demonstrate California Baptists’ desire to reach the nations of the world because the Great Commission begins here.
Visit for more information.